Take the Training

Energy systems become one and done.

Learn it once.
Set it and forget it.
Move on to the next.

Tools that never become outdated because you’re always accessing higher realms
of consciousness, growing into the next realm and the next and the next, from a place of love.

That’s what the course does for you.

Be ‘the hollow bone of healing’ and build your divine connection faster.

Giving you tools when you need them.

See and trust your desired results and make your unbelievable….believable.

Keep reading!

I feel so strong this work needs to get into the hands of everyone in the world! Because it creates miracles!

Yasmin Divine, Wales

The deeper I got into this course, the more I was able to heal myself, my health, my emotions and so much more. For me, the biggest change was that I found my courage. The courage to be me!

Mae Pagan, NY


A 3-Day course to Heart-Centered Healing

This Mini-Class is perfect for spiritual seekers, alternative healers, mindfulness and wellness coaches, and energy workers who are seeking heart-centered healing.

In this 3 day mini-class, you can expect to:

🙏Clear Your Energy: Learn powerful techniques to remove energy blocks, ensuring a smooth flow of divine energy and enhancing your healing abilities, even if you’ve tried other methods without success.

🙏Open Your Channels Safely: Discover safe and effective methods to open your spiritual channels, allowing you to receive clear and accurate messages from your guides, even if you’ve never connected with your guides before.

🙏Boost Confidence in Your Senses: Strengthen your intuitive senses and trust your inner guidance, making you more effective in your healing and spiritual work, even if you’ve doubted your intuition in the past.

Offered on Zoom, with Teaching, Meditation, Journaling and group practice daily.

Learn more or register here:

The Hollow Bone Journey

Hybrid model of pre-recorded videos and audios plus weekly calls, live practice sessions, and deeper insight into being the hollow bone. The Hollow Bone Journey has two tracks; The Initiate Track and The Creation Track.

The place of origin, where all students begin their journey to be the hollow bone.

Group calls with teaching, meditation and love-seats teach how to give and receive hollow bone messages and healing. A library of audios and videos share information and teaching from past classes. Join the private Facebook Group to enhance your learning and provide more hands-on experience. These levels are taught in sequence.

Opening to Spirit
  • Learn how to safely channel Source Energy.
  • Open your senses to love and be the cleanest ‘hollow bone’
  • Learn how to trust what comes through the ‘hollow bone’
  • Get clear about how and what you receive, so you can help more people
  • No longer worry about being able to receive messages or if you’re making them up!
Healing your Law of Attraction
  • Learn how healing with love helps you change your law of attraction
  • Attract more of what you choose, and less of what didn’t work for you before, without
    reliving trauma
  • Be the cleanest ‘bone’ to your divine connection and improve your reality
  • Remember! The clearer you are, the easier it is to manifest what you choose!
Activate your Purpose
  • Activate your purpose with love so you align who you are with what you do
  • Learn and activate your personal sacred geometry for healing and manifestation
  • Experience Illuminated Reiki™ that heals the heart of the matter and how it connects with the ‘hollow bone’
  • Learn how to live from your heart, be ‘the hollow bone’ and see your desired results
    faster, without working harder

Taking your ‘hollow bone’ skills to a new level of healing and activating.

Using the same format of group calls with teaching, meditation and love-seats as you continue to grow into deeper layers of hollow bone messages and healing. A library of audios and videos share information and teaching from past classes. Join the private Facebook Group to enhance your learning and provide more hands-on experience. These courses are available to take in any order upon successful completion of all 3 levels of The Initiate.

Accessing higher states of consciousness allow for higher states of healing.
  • Deeper heart healing.
  • Divine alignment exercises.
  • Restructuring your Flower of Life
  • DNA Repatterning and Restructuring
  • Quantum Immunity
  • Past Life Regression the ‘hollow bone’ way
  • Soul Part Retrieval and Fusion, the ‘hollow bone’ way
  • Soul Fusion
  • Light Body Retrieval
  • Heal, transform and transcend your akashic records
  • Receive your personal ascension blueprint for higher consciousness healing
No matter what your business is, being the ‘hollow bone’ for your business helps you to be in touch with your helpers, create a foundation of allowing for natural growth, and be in alignment with your heart’s desires.
  • Access your business team from the unseen world
  • Learn the sacred geometry of building your business
  • Heal money issues around receiving
  • Dive deeply into your gifts and how to serve
  • Create your message, brand, and/or stand
  • Prepare to scale your business and build it in from the beginning
  • Receive your spiritual upgrade and step into healer status (or whatever business you’re aligned with)
A shamanic experience* where you can expect to:
  • Step into the lineage of ancestors and descendants to open doors for healing all life
  • Connect with the origins of higher consciousness to create connection to all life
  • Celebrate a new way of healing through consciousness
  • Learn how to manifest and shapeshift your soul’s destiny to consciously awaken new layers of purpose.

*No previous shamanic experience necessary.

A shamanic experience* where you can expect to:
  • Access the quantum field of Source Energy
  • Meet with the Guardians of Light to raise your vibration
  • Learn how to transfigure into radiant rainbow light
  • Infuse your energy with radiant rainbow light and love to create a higher, faster form of healing.

*No previous shamanic experience necessary.

To me, The Hollow Bone Journey has brought a lot of clarity, balance, love and unconditional love back into my life.

Flo Buie, CO

Through The Hollow Bone Journey, I have released old traumas that kept me stuck in auto-immune illnesses, which were holding me back from achieving the life of my dreams. Now I feel 30 years younger!

Marie Forrest, MN

I am amazed at how light my heart/chest area feels. Talked with my Mother last night and she said I sounded like she’s been hoping I would for quite some time:  inspired/enthused/peaceful/motivated – in other words, not hyper and scattered! (my husband) is happily adjusted to my changes and on board 100%. My 3 cats are also adjusting – they didn’t stay on my lap or sleep with me as much as they usually do, but I’m attributing that to full moon/warmer weather/spring almost here ephemeral stuff. 

 Esther, WV
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