Hollow Bone Journey
Transformational Team Leader
Grace Evergreen
How would you like your life to be different?
We always ask this of our clients prior to a HBJ session. What ever your answer is to that, magnify it 10 times and that is how you will feel at the end of this course.
Hi, I’m Grace, This course was the game…no, life changer for me. I became part of my soul family and opened up those places in my heart where it was dark and full of cobwebs.
I have not only found the encouragement to heal the cycles in my life that kept me small, this course empowered me to manifest my dreams. I’m co-creating a life that aligns with my heart.
I healed a chronic auto-immune dis-ease through the course and the healings I have received.
I have begun the process of shifting away from my 9-5 and stepped into creating work that is soul aligned.
I would be so honored to facilitate this course for you. I wish to support you through your own process of clearing and blossoming. I wish to create the space for your soul family to show up for you, to support and love you through your process. I’ve been where you are at and I want to facilitate your journey through this course.
Visit me at my website www.graceevergreen.com. I so look forward to connecting with you! All of my love! xoG
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